On March 24-25, 2025 we will discuss Global Health and more on the 5th Network Meeting of Infect-Net in Munich

We proudly invite to our 5th network meeting! The meeting will take place from March 24 to 25, 2025 at the Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene (MIH) at the Technical University of Munich with an additional Workshop on March 26. The overall topic will be Global Health with excursions on AI in public health and diversity.

The meeting will be kindly hosted by our steering board members Prof Dr Clarissa Prazeres da Costa, co-director of the Center for Global Health @ TUM (CGH) and head of Diagnostic Parasitology at MIH and Prof Dr Ulrike Protzer, director of the Institute of Virology at TUM and of VIRO at Helmholtz Munich.


The meeting will start at noon on Monday, March 24 and ends around noon on Tuesday, March 25. We are particularly looking forward to the keynote speech by

A very special highlight will be the inaugural meeting for the "German Association of Women in Infection Research" which will continue to connect female infection researchers and clinicians and to increase their visibility. A work started by Infect-Net.

In addition, we are looking forward to a variety of scientific talks by:

A detailed programm will be published end of February.


The day after the meeting, on March 26, we offer a one day workshop on "Online Visibility and Networking" by Dr. Katja Flieger from Medientraining für Wissenschaftler*innen, Berlin.

Here, you will get hands on training on how to use online platforms like LinkedIn and BlueSky to boost your professional network and the visibility of your female colleagues.

Capacities are limited and will be allocated first come, first serve.


You can now register online for Infect-Net V until February 16 via the following link (hosted on an RWTH server):


If you won't receive an automatic confirmation of your registration, please contact us. Note that the form is in German, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.


Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene (MIH)
Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Trogerstr. 30
81675 München


For our conference guests, we have the option of reimbursing travel expenses and have reserved a room contingent at the Gambino Hotel in the Werksviertel which is located right next to Munich Ostbahnhof. Upon registration, you will get a code from us to access that contingent and arrange your stay. The code is valid only a few weeks, so please be quick.

Gambino im Werksviertel

Atelierstr. 7
81671 Munich
Phone: +49 (89) 998 280 611
Mobile: + 49 (176) 313 190 25



René Lesnik | Coordination Infect-Net
E-Mail | info@infectnet.org or here
Phone | +49 241 80-20847


Prof Dr Clarissa Prazeres da Costa | Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene (MIH), TUM

Prof Dr Ulrike Protzer | Institute for Virology, TUM | VIRO, Helmholtz Munich


René Lesnik | RWTH Aachen University

René Lesnik | Coordination Infect-Net